More phone sex… YAY! There is an art to a kinky phone conversation. I’ve talked to some more of our professional phone sex friends from
PepLove is a phone sex company that specializes in various kinks and BDSM. They are experts. I asked them several questions about phone sex and here are their answers.
Ginger Huntress (The Horny Huntress)
Ginger Huntress (aka The Horny Huntress) is the manager of operations and outreach at Self Serve Toys, a sex educator, speaker and social media maven. She is also a phone consultant at
What are the most popular fetishes and kinks that callers specifically want to talk about with you?
I get a lot of people who want to fantasize about being dominated by a woman. Often these calls include a bit of humiliation, sometimes we talk about age play, roleplay scenarios, cock & ball torture, forced feminization, etc. I also get calls where people want to explore some masturbation or mutual masturbation, edging, and power play around orgasm.
How do you prepare for a day of work?
I prepare for my job by being well fed & hydrated. I listen to music. It really depends on my mood. I often listen to hip hop. Recently, I’ve been revisiting A Tribe Called Quest. I often shower before I get on, in case someone wants to do a video call.
What are some challenges you face as a phone sex worker, at work and in your personal life?
It can be hard to have a work-life balance when you work from home, so I make sure to schedule time off and stick to it. Additionally, we deal with a lot of heavy shit, like people who experienced childhood sexual assault, abuse, etc. It can take a lot out of you to hold space for these conversations and not let them impact your emotional wellbeing.
What do you want first-time callers to know about the protocols of phone sex?
If you’re a first-time caller, it’s important to state your goals and intentions, boundaries, and limits. If there are certain words and scenarios you love or hate, that’s important. Some callers just want to talk to someone. Some people like a fantasy call. Others want mutual masturbation. The more you know about yourself, the better the call will be for everyone.

Video Interview with Ginger, The Horny Huntress on
VIDEO CHAT: Ginger Huntress (The Horny Huntress) w/ Nicholas Tanek
Goddess Reba
Born and raised in the American Midwest, with a deep fondness for British comedy, Goddess Reba is a no-nonsense lifestyle Dominatrix that values open communication and trust in BDSM relationships.
Goddess Reba on Peplove:
What are the most popular fetishes and kinks that callers specifically want to talk about with you?
I see a lot of Mommy/son roleplay scenarios, pegging, and CBT (cock & ball torture), but I also get callers that are into many other kinks. They are all so varied that it’s a lot of fun to explore each kink with the caller and learn it from their point of view.
How do you prepare for a day of work?
I can’t start any day without a large mug of coffee and maybe a little bit of music to help get me revved up for the day. When it comes to music, I don’t listen to a lot of contemporary/Top 40 stuff. As a result, I’m horribly out of touch with the latest trends. Lol . But, depending on the mood I’m in (or want to be in) I will listen to anything from Frank Sinatra to Chopin to Rammstein to Dr. John. Typically though, when I’m trying to wake up and get myself organized for the day, I will listen to either some New Orleans Jazz (Trombone Shorty is my current fave) or some old school heavy metal, like Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. If I am in a pretty sadistic mood, or want to be, then I will listen to Lords of Acid, Rammstein or Slipknot. For relaxing and being mellow, I almost exclusively listen to the Blues. Then it’s just a matter of logging in to take calls and handling various messages, email and social media tasks. Sometimes, I will do a little bit of research on certain places or acts (i.e. Turkish baths or the 1970s era gay scene) to lend a bit more reality to the caller’s fantasy.
What are some challenges you face as a phone sex worker, at work and in your personal life?
Probably the biggest work challenge I face is when a caller brings up a kink or fetish with which I am not familiar. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I love it because that means I get to learn more about kink in general and more about the caller as well.
In my personal life, I think the primary challenge has to do with privacy and acceptance. I don’t hide what I do for a living, but at the same time, I don’t rub it in people’s faces. Some people are cool about what I do, and some people aren’t quite so open minded.
What do you want first-time callers to know about the protocols of phone sex?
I would like first time callers to know that, especially with the Ladies at PEP, we are professionals with a lot of experience in the many facets of BDSM. There is no need to be shy or afraid of any sort of harsh judgment. We embrace kinks and taboos that other services refuse to deal with. Be courteous and professional with us, and you will have a most enjoyable experience.

Justice is a kinkster/PepLove Consultant (phone sex)/ Kink Community Activist.
Justice on Tumblr:
Justice on FetLife:
Justice on PEP:
And last but not least, the AnimaExposed project:
What are the most popular fetishes and kinks that callers specifically want to talk about with you?
I’d say cross-dressing/sissification. Also, I would say things in the forced bi/bi-curious and gender exploration realms are very popular.
How do you prepare for a day of work?
The same way most people do, I think. I get up, take a shower, and have some coffee. When I first started, I’d hold onto my whips to help me channel a little dominant energy.
What are some challenges you face as a phone sex worker, at work and in your personal life?
Well, first, I’m not sure PEPLove is your average phone sex company. We deal with some unusual situations. I understand that we are the only US-based company that talks about some of the stuff we talk about. I sometimes worry about how to maintain a high quality of service for my clients. I want to do that because, first, it makes me feel good about myself. Also, because what I do professionally is a very intimate thing, and can sometimes be very serious or even sacred for people. I want to be mindful and respectful of that. There aren’t training programs for what we do, you know. No colleges. You must be part psychologist, part prostitute, part pro-Domme, part fashionista, part novelist. You must be lots of other things too. So, I must constantly educate myself and keep asking: am I doing the best I can to serve my clients? On the one hand, they’re clients, and not lovers, or children. I must maintain that separation. But on the other hand, they’re real people, and many of them I do care about genuinely.
In my personal life, it’s very hard to explain to people what I do, honestly. I don’t really have a catch phrase that encapsulates it neatly. I wish I did, because it’s neat. But I need at least a paragraph to explain it properly!
What do you want first-time callers to know about the protocols of phone sex?
There’s a common misconception that sex workers have low or no standards when it comes to interacting with people, and that we will put up with any sort of nonsense if you pay us. Because we do this for a living, I’d say we have higher standards. So be as straightforward as you can and be respectful. We understand nervous. That’s okay. But don’t try to bullshit us and don’t waste our time. We’ve seen it all before. Don’t forget. This is our business, but we don’t necessarily need yours. So, be nice to us, and we’ll be nice to you.

Video Interview with Justice for YourKinkyFriends
VIDEO CHAT: Justice Amach (Kinkster/PepLove Phone Consultant) & Nicholas Tanek
What have we learned from all of this?
Phone sex can be a way to fulfill fantasies without the pressure or obligations of living the fantasies in person. Sure, it is a business, but the Pep women become friends and BDSM/kink counselors to their callers. PepLove is not one of these cheap phone sex lines that just want a couple of bucks per minute. They are experts in kink. They can help you. Their knowledge and care are something that not many other phone sex companies provide. I personally know these women and I can honestly say that they are some of the kindest, coolest, and helpful kinky people I have ever met. So, get your phone. Start dialing. Explore your kinks. You’ll be a better person for it.
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