Jett Khat is an artist, musician, transgender MtF MASOCHIST kinkster, and community leader from Detroit Michigan. We talk leather, kink transformation, being transgender, suicide, flogging, and putting ice cubes in butts.
Nicholas Tanek has a video chat with her.
My name is Jett Khat, I’m an artist, musician, and community leader from Detroit Michigan.
I’ve been practicing kink for a number of years now and running my own BDSM rooted community for close to four years. I met my husband 5 years ago just before my transition who’s father is Rapture of Rapture Leather (a well-established leatherworker in Detroit) and helped me delve further into the local scene and learn everything I need to know about flogging and leather. I worked with a few houses throughout the years and have had a hand in events like theatre bizarre, dirty show, blue crow’s Ostara celebration, and numerous other events. I started my own community, Jetts Arcade, online and over the years it has evolved into the Arcadia Collective. I’ve joined forces with some of the most influential kink entities in Detroit and now we have our own community/event center and host our own events such as the wildly successful BEAT IN. These days I don’t take clients for domination anymore but I do provide a safe and consensual space for others to do so and I have turned my focus towards education and event hosting. I’ve been through so much in such a short time in my life it’s hard to know where to start!
Check out:
There Arcade is my community networking thousands of like-minded individuals all sharing the same interests noted by its five themes anime, gaming, sex/kink, food, and music. The Arcade’s outreach is international and it hosts many subgroups such as outreach & support, sanguine sanctuary (for blood and bruises), the Arcade (artists communication hub), the Circle of Arcadia (the Arcade’s coven), Arcadia people of power (POC representation group), and health & fitness, all of which are ran by community members! You can find all the links through our main Facebook page, at least until we get our own social media network up and running 😘