CIAO! Miss Lucy Fair is an Italian pinup model. We talk garters, vintage lingerie, the beauty of being curvey, the love of accents, the fun of petticoats, the beauty of Italy, and more!
Nicholas Tanek sits down and has a video chat with her.
Curvy, voluptuous and with a good dose of sarcasm, Miss Lucy Fair brings the classic 40s/50s Pin Up look to the Italian vintage scene.
Born in 1991 in a small town in Italy, she moves to London in 2011. She discovers rockabilly and country music, vintage fashion and ultimately, the Pin Up world.
In 2018 comes back home and starts to build up her pin up look, inspired by the old Hollywood divas and the famous pin up paintings by Gil Elvgren and Duane Bryers.
She loves taking part in contests, reunions, festivals and anything vintage related, meeting fun, open minded people like her.
Follow her on Instagram: @perryfromouterspace and Facebook: Miss Lucy Fair.