Article: Interview With Scarlett Knight (Author of Lesbian Erotica)

Scarlett Knight is an erotic author who is currently writing lesbian erotica. She is author of The Art HouseHouse Of Erotica, Playing With Fire, and more.  Here is my interview with her.

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Anticipatory Service by Master Bear

Anticipatory Service by Master Bear

As far as I am concerned, anticipatory service is the highest level of service achievable. It makes my life easier and speaks directly to my sense of Mastery. This type of service is given before asked and many times before I know what I need or want. For others anticipatory service is considered disobedience. Those Masters believe that if they did not request something then the slave should not assume it. In the assumption, the slaves think for themselves and this is not allowed.

Living M/s (Master/slave) 24/7 by Master Bear

The Rule of Three – Part One

The biggest mistake that I see most new Masters make is having an extensive list of things that they want their slave to do. New Masters often times put unnecessary pressure on themselves by expecting everything all at once. Having a huge list in the beginning creates a couple of different issues.

First off, understand that if you as a Master cannot remember all of the things that you are requesting of your slave then why should your slave remember?  Secondly, this creates an unrealistic expectation on both you as well as your slave as to what can be realistically achieved in the early days of your dynamic. Slaves want to excel, they want to give, and they want to be the best they can for the Masters that they love. So set them and you up for success.

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