Masturbation calls to many people, and there are many tools that from sex shops that promise explosive orgasms for solo play. Dildos, vibrators, and magic wands are awesome, but they can be expensive experience enhancers. Your Kinky Friends decided take on the challenge of providing ways to experience sexual adventure for less than ten bucks.
Tangled Blue is a submissive kitten in Kentucky.
Vaginas are magical. They can bring so much joy to the world. Taming your vagina is a delicate adventure in patience and exploration. Figuring out what makes your pussy purr can be frustrating because not all girlie parts work the same way. I compiled a list of things that could help vag owners find that sweet spot for their sweet spot without breaking the bank.

Carlos Enriquez-Gonzalez (Venezuelan, born 1968) Title:
Magical vagina , 2009 Medium:
fiberglass, acrylic and urethane paint
Mentally preparing for pleasure is just as important as assembling tools. Porn is readily available on the internet (shocking, I know), and there are certain sites that cater specifically to women. It’s very different than your typical penis centered porn. I enjoy browsing because it also includes erotic fiction. I don’t usually use videos of porn for my own kitty play time, but the videos on this site are worth a look.
I love erotica to get my head in the pussy petting game. The Sisters of Smut write excellent erotica. Check out their website: They write their own blogs, but together they are an unstoppable force of delicious smut. Their work features steamy characters in fun and believable scenes. I have certain stories that I know will tickle me pink and have them bookmarked on my computer. (If you don’t know Horatio Slice…you should.)
The internet offers so much to explore, and I’m positive that there is something out there for everyone.
Female orgasms are achieved through clitoral or g-spot stimulation. (Most of the time…all women are different.). Speed and pressure are also factors to consider when chasing that poon monsoon. Some women need rapid tapping. Others may find that slow circles help to get them there or can orgasm through nipple pinching alone. Light feathery touches can make certain women melt while others may need firm force. It’s like developing a secret recipe for your vaginal happiness.
Before you begin your explorations, you must be conscious about what you put inside your body. Strange bacteria or sharp things in your most tender spot could be hazardous to your health. Check to make sure the things that are going spelunking are body safe. Many plastics leach chemicals, and you don’t that all up in your business. When in doubt, throw a condom on it. It will keep you protected and offer a little lube, too. If you are going to try something without a condom, wash it first and dry it thoroughly. Avoid things that are sugary or overly sticky because that could breed a yeast infection and those are no fun to deal with when you are trying to be sexy. Use common sense when it comes to your vagina. I hope you enjoy the cheap ideas that I pulled together to help enhance your personal playtime.
Pillow Humping
I would venture that most women innocently used a pillow as their first sex toy. It’s easy to get lost in fantasy when you are young, and we lose some of that willingness to explore as we get older. Your pillow probably misses you. A bed pillow has just the right firmness and shape to fit between your legs. You can try different techniques when riding your sweet fluffy friend. I personally like to fold my pillow in half and kneel over it so I can bump my clit along the bent ridge. It’s fun to roll your hips and wiggle as you imagine straddling a hot hunk. Experiment with multiple pillows and positions to find what feels good for you. Find a rhythm and keep it up until you reach a breaking point. I recommend pinching your nipples a little, too.
Edges of things feel good if they have rounded corners. You can straddle the corner of your mattress and get yourself off by moving your hips in circles against it. Harder edges like those found on tables provide a different sensation, and I find that it’s preferable to have layers of clothing between yourself and a hard edge to reach that tingle spot.
Tub Time
Flowing water can make some women orgasm. Try propping your feet on either side of the bathtub faucet and just let the water gush over your lady bits as you lay back in the tub. Using a hand held shower is another way to get some pleasure while you are also getting fresh and clean. It’s like your own personal spa time. Change up the temperatures and water intensity. Lock the bathroom door! Or don’t!
Dollar Store Toothbrush Wand
The dollar store sells electric toothbrushes. They have a good little motor in them that can be used for more than just polishing your choppers. You can play with the rotating head through your panties and see what it feels like to run in on different parts of your girly bits. I need fabric to buffer the sensation because I don’t like the feel of plastic. You can place the toothbrush in a sock and put it under you on your belly to get more of a riding sensation or lay on your back and tease the vibrations on and off your clit.
The firm softness of some vegetables just feels good. The standards are cucumbers, zucchini, and long thin eggplants. Try chilling the vegetables before using them for play for a bit of sensation experimentation. You can also try several celery stalks bound together. I’ve had some good luck with using asparagus as little mini whips to tease myself to climax. Throw a cob of corn in a condom and check to see if bumpiness feels good to you. The bonus is if you get hungry after vegetable coitus, you can make a little salad without leaving your bed.
Turkey Baster
You can buy these at the dollar store and there are tons of ways to make this kitchen tool work for you. I like to fill it with warm water and then then squirt it inside of me while I use the long plastic part as a dildo. You can also take the suction part off the end and use it directly on your clit as a little pump. Try it on your nipples! The shape of the baster is a little pointed. Buffer it by wrapping the end with gauze and then fitting it into a condom. The baster is super at injecting lube into places that you may want to explore. It’s also good for a little spanking fun.
Things with handles fit nicely inside of your vagina. Use your imagination and go through your house on a scavenger hunt. Find things like screwdrivers, tennis rackets, hair brushes, paint brushes, and riding crops. These things definitely need to be covered in a condom before insertion and it’s not a bad idea to add a little lube, too. Line up all the tools and go down the line and rank them in order of preference. You may find that you really love the added texture of your tennis racket, but your hair brush packs a little more punch. Have a household item gangbang in your bedroom! Use all the tools!
Your fingers cost nothing, and they obey you most of the time. There is something very sinfully sweet about trailing an errant pointer finger along my slit while reading a sexy book. I favor light touches and a little bit of fingernail scratch. I can’t get myself to fully orgasm with just my fingers, but it is a lovely warm up.
Masturbating is great for stress relief! Don’t get discouraged if a technique won’t work for you. Try something else. There are zillions of ways to reach that personal summit and the road to get there can be just as much fun as hitting that high point. Enjoy yourself! You are worth it!