Thrifty Kinksters. Ten Dollars. Super Fun.
By TangledBlue
BDSM calls to many people but willing kinksters can be inhibited by the cost of the tools. Unicorn tails, Pikachu suits, and full Batman costumes can really break the bank. Your Kinky Friends decided to challenge ourselves to create kinky experiences that cost less than ten bucks. We used our twisted imaginations and ingenuity to help you get the most bang for your buck.
(The kinky minifigs can be found at Citizen Brick.)
Price Range: $10.00 (Plus your LEGO bricks and paddle)
Item | Cost |
LEGO: 2X4 bricks (4), large base plate, various plates | Raid the toy box! |
#6-32 x 1.5 inch flat head screws (4) | $1.88 |
#6 wingnuts (4) | $1.88 |
#6 washers (4) | $1.88 |
Beach Paddle Ball set (or andy wide paddle with a handle) | Check your garage or visit the dollar store |
E600 Glue | $3.99 |

LEGO bricks are so much fun. I love to build the fancy sets and follow the directions in the manuals, but I also like to make my own creations. I organize my blocks by color and size and create wonderful worlds where Harry Potter can be buddies with Yoda on the Tardis. I have tons of tubs of bricks, and I love running my hands through the pieces to make that signature tinkling sound.
I was scrolling through Etsy a few weeks ago and came across LEGO nipple clamps! I thought they were absolutely adorable, but you could no longer purchase them through the site. They looked like an easy thing to build, and I thought Our Kinky Friends would have fun making them. I decided to pull together a whole brick themed scene. I brainstormed with the magical Miss Melissa, and we came up with some solid ways to pervert those innocent little bricks. (She is a genius and my favorite kinky muse.) So get ready to raid your toy box, and let’s get kinky with LEGO!
LEGO Nipple Clamps!
You will need a drill with a 5/32 drill bit, and it’s always a good idea to wear safety goggles. (The goggles can be sexy. You can role-play a naughty wood shop scene after you are finished making this project. “Your corners aren’t square, you naughty, naughty girl. Bend over my workshop bench.”)

Lay out your supplies. The hardware store will sell the screws and findings in cute little bags, and you should have enough to make several sets of these nipple clamps. They make great presents or you can try changing brick sizes for different sets.
Drill two holes in each of the four 2×4 bricks. Be careful not to drill into your hand. That could hurt. You may want to use a C-clamp to hold the brick in place if you do not have much drilling experience. Also, protect your countertops. Use a cutting board or hard surface underneath your work space.

Place a screw in the hole. (Stop giggling, you pervert.)
Line up the second brick so that the little nubs of the brick are facing inward. Put on a washer and wing nut. Add a screw, washer and wing nut to the other side.
You may have to wiggle the screw some to make it fit in the hole. (I said, stop giggling.♥)
Clamp those nips!
You need a pert nipple. Try using ice or a mouth to make a nice target. My Daddy Dom had a great deal of fun trying to make these stay in place. Place the nipple between the bricks and then tighten until they hurt. Admire your handiwork!

These clamps pinch just a teeny little bit and are good for beginners. They will wobble off if you are bouncing around. You can try different screws or nuts for a tighter fit. You can also try different bricks. I plan on making a set with 2×4 plates to see if they can tighten better.
Lego Base Plate Torture!
The giant green base plates are great for punishment! They are thin and lightweight and can be stowed behind a dresser until they are needed to help correct unwanted behaviors. Simply lay out the plate and have your sub kneel on it. It hurts. Oh my does it hurt! I think it hurt more than kneeling on rice, and clean up is a snap. When corner time punishment is over, you can build a lovely dungeon scene together with the rest of your Lego stash as some aftercare.

LEGO Paddle!
Find a flat wooden paddle with a handle. I used a paddle from a beach set I bought ten years ago. A ping pong paddle would work or even the wooden part from the dollar store paddle-ball set could be used for this project. Pick out some interesting plates from your LEGO collection, and use the E600 to glue them on. Let the glue dry at least 24 hours before using it for spankings. I chose to make a kitty face on my paddle, but you could do stripes, geometric shapes, or whatever designs you prefer.

Use the paddle!
The paddle felt stingy to me, and I really couldn’t feel the bumps on the plates unless my paddler rubbed them over my butt. However, the nubbies were really soothing between swats. I highly recommend turning on “Everything is AWESOME” for a lovely spanking beat and extra fun.

Put all of these ideas together for a fun filled romp! Play safe!
This is better than I ever imagined. I can’t stop perving that picture of you in the clamps.
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
what a great website!!! this help me so much!!! thank u so much!
what a great website!!! this help me so much!!! thank u so much!