VIDEO CHAT: Aetherial Ashes with Nicholas Tanek

Aetherial Ashes is a transgender ASEXUAL musician and eclectic witch. We talk about being asexual, being transgender, depression, industrial music, synthesizers, witchcraft, and how she made a pact with the MOON in the psych ward after she brutally cut out her right TESTICLE in the bathroom.

Nicholas Tanek sits down and has a video chat with her.

My name is Aetherial, although I go by Re’al (to pronounce, rhymes with “we shall”) I am a trans-woman currently living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have a darkwave/ industrial music project called “Aetherial Ashes” that is currently on hold. I’m also an Eclectic Witch and I have been employing my craft towards becoming the person I have been hiding away inside for most of my life and to overcome a vast amount of mental health issues that were amplified by Christianity and the Hebrew Roots Movement. This year everything fell apart for me, I lost my family, became homeless and the person I originally was, gave up and ceased to be, the remaining two personalities are currently integrating to become one (hopefully functional) person. The process should be completed in the Spring. This process was brought about through an alter personality who sacrificed her own sentience for the sake of the whole and through a rebirth made possible by a pact with the Moon. Huge progress has been made in shifting the negativity surrounding me to positive energy creating a new sense of well being and hope that everything is about to change for the better. Since my pact with the Moon, (which included equivalent exchange by personally removing a body part), my environment has completely changed. Random people compliment me everywhere I go, I am constantly pursued by men and women (even though I am Asexual) and I was even recently worshipped by two strangers as a divine daughter of the moon, after two Tarot readings the same day told me to search out the divine spirit within myself. Things have been strange, to others even crazy, but the changes have been amazingly positive. I am currently expanding my craft and in the process of transition, although the most exciting part of this time period has definitely been discovering the person I am becoming and the amazing amount of love and support I receive from my adopted family at a nightclub in Colorado Springs called The Zodiac.
Aetherial (Re’al)


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