Lost episode from 7.2022:
“Make friends with your shame.”
Christal Hart Vison is a Sex Coach Sexual Shaminista. We discuss erotic blueprints, Mistress Jaiya, being a sexual shadow, learning the language of other’s bodies, finding your erotic “oneness,” and healing sexual incompatibility.
“There is a Dominatrix birthing through me.”
It is time to start acting like it!
YOU ARE ALREADY WHOLE! Nothing to change or fix! Our only work is to DISSOLVE the shit to RECLAIM AND EMBODY YOUR EROTIC TRUTH!
My name is Christal Hart Vison – creator of the UNKINKED METHOD and I am THE PAIN TO PLEASURE ALCHEMIST, SEXUAL SHADOW SHAMANISTA, and POWERFUL GUIDE TO YOUR HEALING. For almost two decades I have been playing and expanding in the work where the soul meets body!
Through my studies, life and own pain I have found the journey to owning myself fully and completely with bravery! I have traveled the path of transformation and now what I know is that INTEGRATION AND SELF ACCEPTANCE are they keys! I help people live BADASS EROTIC EMBODIEMENTS that heal the disconnection with self. Reclaiming A SEXY LIFE OF POWER AND FREEDOM THAT ARE TANGABLE!
With me, PLEASURE IS THE PRIORITY! I help clients expand their sexuality, life path and soul purpose. My clients have transformations that free them into the space of their own radiant spotlight and the best part is we do it all through a safe, secure, and loving container. Cultivating tenderness with the self and honoring ALL of your beings.
My purpose is to help as many beings as I can on the planet, uncover their heart and release old painful patterns that no longer serve them so that they can live a life of pleasure, divine authenticity, and wholeness.
Who specifically do you like to help/serve?My signature system is the UNKINK METHOD. Here we walk through deep work that supports you in clearing trauma, PTSD, limiting beliefs, religious conditioning, shame, and potent blockages with acceleration! We do this through listening and loving the parts of you that are in fear and stuckness, dissolving the charge around your blocks, and taking mindful steps towards a new creation and embodiment of your whole EROTIC being!
Specialties Men, Women, Kink, Shame, Trauma, PTSD, Shadow Work, Body Shame