WANT TO EXPLORE FEMDOM? Your Kinky Friends can help!


 By Nicholas Tanek



  1. Or: femdomme / domme / female dom / female dominant, a woman who enjoys the dominating role in BDSM scenes.
  2. A BDSM scene controlled by a woman.


A Femdom relationship is not always the easiest thing to start. In the kink community, the number of men who enjoy Femdom outnumber the women who participate in it. It can be a lonely world out there for a man who is interested in Femdom, male chastity, cuckolding, and forced crossdressing.

I wanted to write this article to help both men and women who are interested in getting into Femdom relationships (professional or personal). So I asked a bunch of my kinky friends three questions. Here are their answers.

Continue reading WANT TO EXPLORE FEMDOM? Your Kinky Friends can help!

TOO KINKY? Tales of Being Too Kinky & Being Out-Kinked.

By Nicholas Tanek

I am a kinky person and I am proud of it. I’m so proud of it, I was a guest on an episode of the ProudToBeKinky podcast. I even wrote a book about the kink community titled Your Kinky Friends. Most of my family and my vanilla friends are shocked (or at least surprised) by the kinky experiences that I talk about. At the same time, these experiences have only scratched the surface of the kink community. Basically, I am a switch, but I do enjoy Femdom, forced crossdressing, and male chastity. Some women are freaked out by that. At the same time, I have met some women who are into some hardcore kink that scares me. Just when I think I’m kinky, cool, and in the scene, I talk to someone who makes me realize there is a whole world of kink out there I know nothing about.
So I asked my kinky friends two simple questions about both sides of the kink spectrum. Here are their answers.

Continue reading TOO KINKY? Tales of Being Too Kinky & Being Out-Kinked.