by Miss_Melissa_
In his interviews, the Esteemed Nicholas Tanek has graciously included a budget kink question as a nod to these Thrifty Kink articles we try to post each week. The amazing folks that have answered this question have given some really fantastic ideas, and so I have begun harvesting these pearls of wisdom.
This is the second part in an ongoing series of Thrifty Kink articles that will feature a handful of excellent budget-minded BDSM suggestions from the witty, resourceful, kinky minds of the many people Nicholas has and will interview in days to come!
Young Scratch
Young Scratch confessed that his Holy Trainer male chastity cage was purchased on eBay from a Hong Kong wholesaler. He had to file down some rough edges at the seams and it took six weeks to arrive, but it was worth it since he spent $20 instead of over a hundred.
That sexy panda also mentioned a pre-owned leather store where he lives in Ottawa, which is a great way to get high-quality items for a lower cost.

His last bit of advice? “Finding people online who hand-make leather sex toy products can also save money since you’re buying direct.”
I need that fancy peahen portrait. It haunts my dreams.
Elaina de la Mer
Mistress Elaina of gave TONS of excellent advice.
“You can pervert things. Go in your kitchen. You already have so many things you can use. Wooden spoons. Plastic spoons. Rolling pins. I used a cutting board on a sub last night.”

“I love latex. You can learn how to make your own. I personally haven’t done that yet but it’s something I plan on learning how to do. Learn how to do things on your own. If you’re into wood, make paddles. Try to use whatever talents you have.”
For me, this last sentiment really captured what the Thrifty Kink series is about: “You don’t have to have a lot of expensive toys. It’s fun, but it’s not necessary. It’s more of a connection with people that you really want. You want that connection. It’s not about that $300 toy. No one should feel like they can’t explore the lifestyle because they don’t have the money.”
Luna Darke
The delightful Luna – submissive extraordinaire! – is one of my best friends. Although Nicholas failed to ask for a thrifty kink idea during the interview, I asked her myself.

She said that one of her Doms “used the wooden rod from a broken coat hanger on my ass. My ass was black and blue for a month. I guess it was almost like a small cane. It did the trick…”
I would also imagine that a wire coat hanger has a nice sting. Worth a try!
I hope that you can put some of these great tips to good use. Always remember to discuss plans ahead of time so that you and your play partner(s) are on the same page. Do some online research and practice on your own body when trying something new. BE SAFE and HAVE FUN!
Stay tuned for more great tips from our kinky friends’ interviews.
I owe all of that to our kinky friend, MushMush