VIDEO CHAT: Ruby Enraylls Part II w/ Nicholas Tanek

Ruby Enraylls is back!!! She is a professional Dominatrix. We talk about costume videos, snake play, IT programming, fireworks, explosives, and weird absurd STARGATE sex role play.

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Our Professional Dominatrix Friends Part III by Nicholas Tanek


Being a professional Dominatrix is a beautifully unique profession but also hard work. Here at YKF, we speak to Pro Dommes all the time. Especially in these politically turbulent times (FOSTA/SESTA), YKF wants to celebrate the Professional Dominatrix and give readers insight into their lifestyle. I decided to do part III of the series.

So, I asked several of my Professional Dominatrix friends some questions, and here are their answers…

Continue reading Our Professional Dominatrix Friends Part III by Nicholas Tanek