BDSM On A Budget: YKF Interviewee Edition #ThriftyKinkThursday

by Miss_Melissa_

In his interviews, the Esteemed Nicholas Tanek has graciously included a budget kink question as a nod to these Thrifty Kink articles we try to post each week. The amazing folks that have answered this question have given some really fantastic ideas, and so I thought it was time to start harvesting these pearls of wisdom.

This is the first part in an ongoing series of Thrifty Kink articles that will feature a handful of excellent budget-minded BDSM gear suggestions from the witty, resourceful, kinky minds of the many people Nicholas has and will interview in days to come!
Continue reading BDSM On A Budget: YKF Interviewee Edition #ThriftyKinkThursday

Thrifty Kink 2

Thrifty Kinksters.  Ten Dollars. Super Fun.  

by Miss_Melissa_


BDSM calls to many people but willing kinksters can be inhibited by the cost of the tools. Leather floggers, ball gags, and latex wear can really break the bank. Your Kinky Friends decided to challenge ourselves to create experiences that cost less than ten bucks. We will use traditional BSDM ideas and use our imaginations and ingenuity to help you get the most bang for your buck.

This is our second entry for our Thrifty Kink series: Bondage on a Budget.

Continue reading Thrifty Kink 2