by TangledBlue and Mistress Melissa
It’s good to think about the bright shiny spots and the shitty dull moments of life as a year closes. Reflection helps us to grow as people, and the resolutions we make for ourselves promise betterment and enlightenment for a happier future. Some people choose to go for a goal like our friends Jay Tesst who wants to learn how to do play piercings and1RuleSupercedes who is going to put out a new album in February. Others may choose something less tangible like spiritual enlightenment or inner peace. Your Kinky Friends sent us their resolutions, and here are our goals, wishes, and/or hopes for a brand spanking new year.
MasterBear and slave eve
YKF hopes that these two will continue to share their love, adventures, and experiences with us!
Here is their adorable response to “Will you share New Year resolutions with us?”

Luna Darke
The delightful Luna Darke has a short and sweet wish for her new year:
Luna’s second resolution this year is to travel to London, which is in the works. And her third resolution to find a new job which could include trying her hand at camming!
SassyWitch666 is sexy and kinky every single day. She has a goal of writing more kink and disability articles to help promote awareness and acceptance of all people. She wants to also make it a priority to buy some kinky furniture to try out some new positions and scenes. Her final goal is the same as many others in our kink community. She wants to expand her lingerie collection and feel her sexy energy surge when she is rocking the satin, silk, and lace. Hopefully, she will share pictures! Meeeee-ow!
Sade Viscaria

Queen Blackheart
Our beautiful friend Allison has a resolution that resonates with many in the kink community:
Syren Rayna
Nicholas Tanek
Our beloved Nicholas Tanek wants to experience something new that he hasn’t done before. (I relayed this information to Miss Melissa, and she merely laughed. I know she will cook up something marvelous for him. It might hurt a little.) Tanek also wants to continue exploring his old kinky favorites like femdom and rolling around on the floor in a straight jacket until he cums. His final resolution was to buy lingerie for the world. Envision all the grumpy grown-ups in the world wearing garters and black satin panties. The future needs a little more sexy.
Miss Melissa
Miss Melissa resolves to write more, not just for the website but also working on projects with her favorite Kitten! She also wants to start keeping her submissive in his chastity cage more often. Her third resolution is to make sure she, Nicholas, and Luna attend TESFest together this year!

My happiness revolves around kink. I’m a dirty little freak. One look at my Google search history will reveal my penchant for spanking porn, shibari pictures, dairy-free casserole recipes, and butts. All of these things are free game for my never-ending fantasy list — even the butter free potatoes layered with onions and baked to perfection. I wonder what new kinky and bizarre experiences the new year holds for me. My Daddy Dom wants me to resolve to do more butt stuff, but I’m a brat so I’m going to pretend he said “Hut Stuff” and will book us a vacation in a yurt.

I could resolve to learn to perfect my prawn tie or to increase my spanking tolerance. I could dare myself to play in public more often or to masturbate twice a day. All of these things are super fun good things that kittens do enjoy, but for 2019, I’m going to keep it simple. All too often I let real life seep into my sex life. Thoughts of dirty dishes, deadlines, and the daily grind of life hinder my ability to enjoy bumping and grinding. I need to learn how to get outside of my head and be more present in the bedroom. I would also like to be whipped wearing garters, heels, a kitty mask, a tiny red jacket, and stockings on a four-star hotel balcony while yelling “The Redcoats are Coming!” That’s a good wish, too.

Your Kinky Friends hope that your new year is full of sexual adventure and enlightenment. Maybe make it a goal to write for us! We are always looking for more ideas and perspectives on kinky life. As always, Nicholas Tanek reminds us all to “be cool, be kind, and keep an open mind” in 2019.
If you have the day off work (or you have a job where they pay to watch YouTube!) and you want to get to know Your Kinky Friends better, check out these video chats from 2018!