Amy Taylor – 7.2024 w/ Nicholas Tanek

“I must be in the mood for an orgy.”

Amy Taylor is an American model (GQ, Elle) and a sex advocate/media personality. We talk about the horrors of content pimps, her life as a pilot, the mile-high club, staying sexually expressive during dire political times, latex modeling, and her adventures in Yosemite.

“I want both holes filled while a guy goes down on me.”

Continue reading Amy Taylor – 7.2024 w/ Nicholas Tanek

VIDEO CHAT: Empress Gaia w/ Nicholas Tanek

“Look at my boobs, not my feet!” – Empress Gaia.

She is a professional dominatrix, holistic sexual specialist of Succulent Living, from My Orgasmic Life Podcast, and Tantric Spanking. We talk CBT, orgies, having a foot fetish, SADISM, and using fellatio to quit smoking.

Nicholas Tanek Tanek sits down and sits down to talk with her.

Continue reading VIDEO CHAT: Empress Gaia w/ Nicholas Tanek