by Miss_Melissa_
The thrifty kink suggestions from the wonderful people that Nicholas has interviewed are as varied and awesome as they are! This week’s thrifty spotlight includes great suggestions from Mistress Genevieve, dungeon proprietress and educator; Susan Wright, founder of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom; and Goddess Nyx, artist, fetish model and experience creator.
Mistress Genevieve
Ever since I had the opportunity to try a violet wand at a TESfest class, I have wanted one. They are, however, quite pricey.
Mistress Genevieve had an excellent suggestion. Online, you can find a spa infrared device wand with glass attachments relatively inexpensively. “Red light instead of purple,” she explained. “White case instead of black. Exact same feel, but it was designed to kill bacteria. $25 to $60 as opposed to a couple hundred. You can use all the same attachments for it.” She did warn that some people that are sensitive can get a skin rash from use, so be careful.

Check out the full interview here:
VIDEO CHAT: Mistress Genevieve (Dungeon Proprietress/Educator) w/ Nicholas Tanek
Susan Wright
Susan’s suggestion was to volunteer for your local event or group. “Often volunteers are comped into the event. Not only is it costing you less, but you’re supporting the group, and making new friends.”
And who couldn’t use some more kinky friends? Check out the Events tab on Fetlife for local munches and events in your area. You can also join the YKF chat on Discord to make new friends. 🙂

Watch the entire interview here:
VIDEO CHAT: Susan Wright (National Coalition For Sexual Freedom) w/ Nicholas Tanek
Goddess Nyx
“If you are trying to make an aesthetic work on a budget, just try and have a core group of items that you can mix and match, or that add some dynamic pop. Get one corset in a neutral color and add that on top of an outfit with a good centerpiece necklace or something you can even make yourself.”
See the Goddess’s full interview here:
My favorite corset – a black under-the-bust variety – cost $6 on one of those websites that ships inexpensive items from overseas. I was careful to read comments since many items run small, and I patiently waited the month it took to arrive. Well worth the wait. I love wearing it on its own for playtime, or layering it over an outfit if we go on a kinky outing. When I was tired of my French maid outfit but didn’t have the money to spring for a nicer one, I realized that putting the corset over my French maid outfit gave it the lift it needed!
Want more like this?
BDSM On A Budget: YKF Interviewee Edition (part two)
BDSM On A Budget: YKF Interviewee Edition (part one)
Talking Dirty! BDSM On A Budget (with help from Sera Miles)
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