Serving in Public By Master Bear

Doing service in public is a completely different animal than serving in private. The noise, distractions, and challenges of a public event make being a conscientious servant very different than serving in a private venue. I encourage people to practice public service at a BDSM event to gain confidence and poise.  This different type of experience allows you to troubleshoot elements to work on to strengthen your bond.

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VIDEO CHAT: Mystic Valraven with Nicholas Tanek

Mystic Valraven is the High Priestess of Valraven Temple. She is an expert and educator in BDSM, Sex Majik, and Paganism.

Nicholas Tanek sits down and has a video interview with her.

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VIDEO CHAT: Phani3 with Nicholas Tanek

Phani3 is crazy & crafty the artist formerly known as Blent Girl— She is an EXOTIC DANCER/CAMGIRL😽 & Jeweler

Nicholas Tanek sits down and has a video chat with her.

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