Chasing Magic: Playing with the Magic Wand



by Tangled Blue

I love playing with sex toys, and I bought a Magic Wand because it’s a classic toy that I had not tried.  My husband was super excited, and with visions of forced orgasms in his head, he bought a harness to hold the tool in place.  We eagerly discussed a scene where he would use the tool and harness while I was tied to the wall spread eagle under a spotlight.  Sounds good, right?  Well…

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Funny episode. I had a great time hanging out with Edison and Dino talking about kink. Download!

iTunes  << This is the link to itunes


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I am “out” as a kinky person, but many of our friends like to keep their kinky lifestyle private. Some have important jobs. Some have judgmental friends and family members. Others just prefer to keep their kink hidden. For whatever the reason, people sometimes go to great lengths to keep their kinky lifestyle hidden.

So, I asked a couple of our kinky friends about keeping their kinky life a secret. Here are their answers…

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DEAR VICTIMS: It’s Not Your Fault by SassyWitch666

There are a few things in this life you should be able to count on, especially when you’re a child.

1. Those who love you will protect you.

2.  Cops, lawyers, and judges are safe , good people who will uphold the law.

I’d also suggest teachers, principals , politicians, doctors – those in authority – should be trustworthy. Sadly, sometimes they’re not. This was my stepfather.



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#MeToo – Our Friends (And My Mother) Talk about Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment

By Nicholas Tanek

My mother and father taught me to respect people. They would tell me, “Treat people how you would like to be treated.” When I was young, I’m sure I made the improper or obnoxious joke every once in a while. I’ve grown up and I’ve changed. Being friends with women and listening to women changed me.

Throughout the years of hanging out with female friends, I have learned that many males can be considered a predator. There are women who live in a constant state of terror due to misogyny and sexism. I went to college in the 1990s during a heightened state of campus date-rape awareness. The last thing I wanted to do was make a person feel unsafe. At the same time, sexual misconduct can come from women too. I’ve personally experienced it. These days, the #MeToo movement has sparked a full-on revolution on how people look at sexuality, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment.

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Coming Out As Kinky

By Nicholas Tanek

Shame and secrecy have plagued some of my vanilla relationships, but those days are over. These days, I am kinky and proud. Still, there was a time in my life where I had all of these fantasies and desires I was afraid to express because of my vanilla partner.

Lynn was the love of my life and she died in 2012. When we were totally honest about our kinks, without shame, our lives changed for the better.

I knew I was not alone, so I asked some of my kinky friends about coming out as a kinky person. I asked them three questions. Here are their answers.


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My Musician Friends and I Discuss SEX & MUSIC

Close Lobsters, Severed Heads, Memoirs of Addiction, and Producers of the Word

By Nicholas Tanek

Music and sex are essential aspects of my life. I always have a soundtrack in my head, especially when it comes to sex. I wrote three books filled with kinky sex and an endless amount of music references. There are songs that get me in the mood. There are songs that I have on in the background during sex. Then, there are songs for the afterglow or come down.

The sexuality of music has always intrigued me. So, I asked some of my musician friends three questions regarding the connection between music and sex.


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