Category: Article
VIDEO CHAT: Master Bear and slave eve w/ Nicholas Tanek
Master Bear and slave eve are a dynamic BDSM couple who live the Master/slave dynamic. They are very active in the kink community.
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Our Professional Phone Sex Friends Part III by Nicholas Tanek
The voice of a sexy woman can make a difference in your life, especially when she is kinky, intelligent and kind. is a luxury all-female owned and operated kinky phone sex and consultation line. So, to finalize this phone sex series of articles, I wanted to ask the ladies of Pep Love a couple of questions regarding the phone sex business.
Here are their answers…
Continue reading Our Professional Phone Sex Friends Part III by Nicholas Tanek
VIDEO CHAT: Peter Tupper (author) w/ Nicholas Tanek
Talking Dirty! BDSM On A Budget by Miss_Melissa_
When it comes to sexuality, people often overlook the sexiest of sex organs: the brain. Sexy, after all, is a state of mind. It doesn’t matter your dress size, your blemishes, your physical limitations, your lingerie, or lack thereof – it’s all in the presentation. It’s an attitude. It’s a voice. You can use your imagination and your words to paint a scene, to transport your partner to a place they’ve never been before.

Continue reading Talking Dirty! BDSM On A Budget by Miss_Melissa_
VIDEO CHAT: Mistress Mia Darque w/ Nicholas Tanek
Heroes Of The Kink Community Part III by Nicholas Tanek
Since starting, I have been honored to meet so many wonderful kinky people. They inspired the “Heroes of the Kink Community” series. Now, I respect, support, and love all the people in the past articles. I am truly in awe of these titans of kink who got involved with these articles.
So, my kinky friends, here are some more heroes of the kink community.
Continue reading Heroes Of The Kink Community Part III by Nicholas Tanek
A Kinky Start – Our Friends Discuss Their First Real Kink Experience by Nicholas Tanek
Everything has a beginning. There are various ways to initiate a kinky/BDSM lifestyle. It may start with playfully exploring kink and the offer of a little spank here or there. Perhaps, dabbling in light bondage awakens something inside of you. Or maybe, you slip on silk panties just to try them on for fun. But then one day the line between curiosity and desire is crossed, and you discover a driving need for more. BDSM becomes part of your life. So I asked a couple of my kinky friends about their first experiences of living out fantasies.
Here are their answers…
VIDEO CHAT: Alex Andrews (SWOP – Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA) w/ Nicholas Tanek
Alex is a 53-year-old sex worker alumni who has experienced the criminalization of consensual sex work. She is the Co-Founder of SWOP Behind Bars and sits on the Board of Directors of NSWP as the North American Representative. Alex has been working with men, women and trans folks who have been incarcerated and also have experience in the sex industry and works to reduce the shame, discrimination and stigma of sex work by showing up at community meetings and town hall discussions on trafficking and using herself as an example to demonstrate that sex workers are just like everyone else. She has been called a “watchdog” of anti-trafficking activity and is committed to the unification of sex worker rights in the United States.
#ThriftyKinkThursday: Stick Your Dick in Stuff
by Tangled Blue
Being thrifty is nifty especially when you need some sexy fun time. This #ThriftyKinkThursday is going to be a little different. We are offering a collection of ideas rather than a scene. So let’s explore things that you can stick your dick into for fun!
I’m sure for most penis bearers ramming your cock into another person or person shaped object is the preference, but that isn’t always feasible. I wanted a list that thrifty kinksters could keep in handy just in case they didn’t have a friend or specialized toy to poke. This would also be a good list for a Domme who wants to give her sweet sissy sub a treat. Continue reading #ThriftyKinkThursday: Stick Your Dick in Stuff